And a just few side effects on the side
Home News Tribune Online 08/12/05
This letter is a follow-up to the one which appeared in the Aug. 2 edition of the Home News Tribune concerning Vioxx and its maker Merck. Vioxx was an effective anti-inflammatory and analgesic agent that provided relief to thousands of pain suffers. Indeed, for many patients it was the only medication that worked.
All drugs, whether they are by prescription or over-the-counter, have side effects, and taking any of them involves some degree of risk. Because a drug is FDA approved does not mean it is completely safe or free of adverse reactions.
When a drug is given to a patient, the health-care provider must weigh the benefits versus the risks of taking the medication. A recent FDA panel concluded that the benefits of Vioxx outweighed its risks and that the drug should be brought back with a stronger warning label. A similar panel in Canada came to the same conclusion.
It appears that many reporters writing on the subject, who have little knowledge of science or medicine, have the preconceived notion that Vioxx is harmful, obtain the opinion of an "expert" or two to support this notion, and then publish an article as the gospel truth.
Rarely do they write follow-up articles presenting the other side of the argument for which experts can also be found. Such bias is inappropriate and poor journalism.
In the meantime former Vioxx users will take alternative medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen and naproxen, which have their own inherent side effects and risks.
Philip Washko
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